Our proven approach delivers extraordinary improvements in operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Whether your products are high volume, repetitive offerings or custom engineered, low volume, and high mix, we have the experience to drive operational improvements. We also build up your internal capability to continue to do so going forward.
We don’t believe in “cookie cutter” solutions. Our customized approach ensures that we take the time to understand what you already have in place and build upon your foundation to achieve your specific business objectives.
Most industrial equipment is produced through "discrete manufacturing," which includes processes such as machining, stamping, injection molding, assembly etc.
One of the common challenges faced by many discrete manufacturing companies is the difficulty in hiring skilled workers.
We help our clients in transforming their traditional production methods by establishing Lean production cells, enhancing automation levels, and improving workforce efficiency. This, in turn, reduces manufacturing costs and addresses the issue of labor shortage.
我们在很多连续型制造业企业看到普遍面临的挑战是产品质量的稳定性不高(时好时坏),很难找到影响质量的根本原因。同时,增资 扩产投入大、时间长、不确定性高。
Many new materials are produced using a "continuous" manufacturing process. The characteristics of continuous production include high process complexity, with factors such as raw materials, ratios, speed, temperature, pressure, etc., having a significant impact on product quality, and these factors are intricately interconnected. This type of manufacturing involves many underlying physical and chemical principles.
In many continuous manufacturing companies, we observe a common challenge: the stability of product quality is not high, often exhibiting variations in quality, and it's difficult to pinpoint the root causes affecting quality. Additionally, increasing capital investment for expansion and production, long timeframes, and high levels of uncertainty are also significant issues.
In recent years, our clients in the fast-moving fashion consumer goods industry have been shifting away from primarily relying on export manufacturing towards transitioning to independent brands and sales through e-commerce platforms. The biggest challenge they face during this transformation is that production for orders is not "fast" enough. In traditional export manufacturing, it's not unusual for the production cycle for orders to take 1-2 months. However, when transitioning to selling through independent brands on e-commerce platforms, the uncertainty of styles increases (meaning you can't stock large quantities), and customers demand shipments within a week (or else there's a significant number of returns).
We assist fashion consumer goods clients in optimizing their production, sales, and inventory coordination, significantly reducing lead times. This allows businesses to stand out among numerous competitors.